Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Whatever happened to decent neighbors??

Remember when you could let kids play till dark and have no worry in the world as to what could happen to them? That was the time of good neighbors.  Im not old enough to remember most of it however I do know that in smaller towns like where we used to live it was this way.  Good neighbors! Some one would ask for help and without hesitation help was there. People were thankfull! Community BBQs.  Having aa beer while watching the kids play. Etc... Well.... where we are now theres none of that and if I hadnt seen it first hand in Kansas then Id think that it was a mirage here in the desert. 

Here in Santan Valley its a little different. Nobody really cares. You may get the ocasional wave but thats about it.  You dont dare let your kids go play outside by therselves.  People are either wierd or hermits. Even that is weird LOL.  I guess my family is just used to community envolvement, Pride. Self respect and respect for others. 

We helped one of our neighbors. Just trying to do the right thing. They were having a tough time. Wont get into critical details however everybody has there ups and downs. Including us.  We helped them in MANY different ways. Most all requested by them. Bought there daughter clothes for school. Spent like $60 on some jeans for her. Given them rides when needed. Helped loan them money.  Now, the single father has a girlfriend. They have done a 180 and treat us like crap. told us not to talk to them anymore. They dont have time for us. He hasnt paid us back. They rarely said thank you.  Hes about to now lose his job. Hes already lost his car. (repo) and they treat us this way. Just flat out used us for what they needed and moved on to mooch off of someone else.  We love there daughter very much. Shes basicly a part of our family.  (as you know, our family consist of myself, my wife, our 4 children).  We always offer to take them both with us when we go somewhere so there not just at home doing nothing.  Weve fed them. Gave them a place to stay when needed.  And all this gets tossed in the trash. Ive never felt so disrespected. 

This area of Arizona is FILLED with people like this.  Flat rude and inpolite people. Put it this way,  if your kid fell off there bike in the road. In Kansas, They would bail out of there car to help your child out. Get them back on there feet. Back on the bike and help them get started if need be.  Most people knew each other there.  They would usually make sure they made it home. Or at the min., they would call the house. NOT HERE! They would honk, swerve. Roll down the window and scream and them to get out of the way. They have someplace to go. Get frakin real!!! Common cursety is out the window here.  

Dont get me wrong, we have some decent neighbors every now and then. They are just few and far between.

MMMM Where to move to next. Washington?, Oregon?, Utah?   Only time will tell.

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